Thursday, February 17, 2011

Snowy Stroll

After class, I wandered through a white-out back to my car
 and found it covered in a good four inches of snow. 
Powdery, fluffy, wonderful snow!

 I immediately went home, bundled up, 
and took a quiet walk through the wonderland. Yum.

I adore winter.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Money's Worth

I'm sitting in class right this moment. 
I'm grateful to have the opportunity to be at this awesome university.

I'm sittin in this building at the moment...
except it's blustery and snowing outside.
Not sun-shiny like in the pic.

I'm wishing I was somewhere else.
And the sad thing is it wouldn't matter much if I WAS somewhere else. 
Like the basketball game.
Or the temple with my stake.
But I'm here.
Maybe she'll call my name and I'll get three points for participation.
I'm paying money for this. 
And I just spent a dollar on M&Ms.
Just the regular size pack.

Money's worth? 