Friday, April 26, 2013

Hold Nothing Back

"As you love His children, Heavenly Father will guide you, and angels will assist you. You will be given power to bless lives and rescue souls 
Jesus Christ is your example. He “came not to be ministered unto, but to minister.” To minister means to love and care for others. It means to attend to their physical and spiritual needs. Put simply, it means to do what the Savior would do if He were here." 
                                                                                                          -David L. Beck
For my 2 1/2 years in the Providence YSA Ward, I've been blessed to associate with two of the most Christlike people I've ever known. They have devoted their time and talents, their home and their hearts to the ministry. They have served humbly, worked diligently, counseled wisely, prayed fervently, sacrificed wholly, and loved completely. They held nothing back. And they have met their great task with constant JOY. I want to be like the Wigingtons. 
One of my assignments in the ward required regular counsel with Bishop Wigington. There was one week I was feeling particularly weighed down by the cruel assault of the adversary on my peers and those I so desperately wanted to see succeed. As Bishop characteristically closed our meeting that Sunday with a big smile and enthusiastic handshake, I paused and asked how he managed to be so cheerful all of the time. My question was sincere. I knew that the burden he carried as a bishop was more than I could ever imagine, yet he overflowed with happiness. Whatever his secret was, I needed to learn it. His response was immediate and sure, delivered with gratitude. "I know what the Atonement can do! And I see it work miracles." Of course that is the key to happiness. My resolve was strengthened. I know it is this testimony, and Bishop's willingness to give everything for it, that enabled him to be used as a tool in the Lord's hands to bless hundreds of young people. 
Undoubtedly, the person I am becoming has been shaped by lessons learned and love received from Bishop & Mamma Wigs, Stan, and Brother Brenchley. I am so grateful for the years of sacrifice they and their families have given. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Well over a year has passed since I've had anything to do with this blog. I feel like I should have something profound to share in this comeback post. Alas, nope. I've been thinking about starting to write a bit here and there, and I feel as though I should. Don't know exactly what will be included, but I have a few specific reasons for revisiting Observations by Skye... 
  • count my blessings
  • declare what I know
  • document a bit of life
That's it. So, stay tuned. Or not. No promises. Read at your own risk.