My little one loves this nativity scene that was a gift from my grandparents. He is much more interested in it than he is the lights and glittery decor of the tree, and he always scoots right over to Baby Jesus first. Every day, he and I sit in this beautiful spot and reverently talk about the Savior. As I've taken time to reflect on the meaning of the season, I've felt a renewed and profound sense of hope- something that had been dimmed by the tumultuous world. I know He lives. He conquered all. He can make us happy. He can give us peace. He will bring us home.
Please pause the hustle and bustle for a moment to consider the following counsel from Elder D. Todd Christofferson's article "Be at Peace." May it bless your life as it has mine.
Merry Christmas and love to you.
Take time to relax, be at peace, and see this little child in your mind. Do not be too concerned or overwhelmed with what is coming in His life or in yours. Instead, take a peaceful moment to contemplate perhaps the most serene moment in the history of the world—when all of heaven rejoiced with the message “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
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I hope you will take time this Christmas season to sit for a few quiet moments and let the Savior’s Spirit warm you and reassure you of the worthiness of your service, of your offering, of your life. Sit quietly with that little baby and come away spiritually strengthened and better prepared for all that is going to come later. Let that moment be one of rest and refreshing and reassurance and renewal.
God grant you that blessing this Christmas as you, with me, bear witness of the Savior Jesus Christ—His centrality to our lives, to all human life, and to the very purpose of existence.
We worship Him, we serve Him, and we love Him. May your life reflect that love through your offering this Christmas season and always.