Friday, July 17, 2009

good news

Sorting through some old pics,
I found this shot taken at the Provo Temple
when I was a fresh, new missionary in the MTC.
Ready to take on the world! Ha, yeah right.
But anyhow, for some reason
this picture makes me grateful.
It makes me excited.
It reminds me of the good news
and the awesome time in which we live!
The truth is rising out of obscurity
and is now being proclaimed 'round the globe!
With anticipation, I look to the day when
"every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess" that
{Jesus is the Christ.}
Um, yay. :)


Newton said...

Hey girl, I don't know you, but I found this blog tonight and i saw that it was a mormon thing, so I want to joing to you and send a mensage to know about it.
I am a lds too, I was a missionary in Brazil Recife Misson( 2006 - 2008)
And i like too much to know more about others and their missions.
if you want to awnser me my e-mail is

jill kynaston said...

Hi Skye,
I linked to your blog from your comment on ours. You have some great posts here--I love reading about your mission and about your love for the gospel. It's fun to keep up with you, so I'll put your blog on our link list if that's ok. :)
Take care,