Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I know nobody will see this (it has been well over a year since my last post and nobody knew about the blog back then!) but I consider my ramblings here more for my own benefit than anyone else's.

This is what my sweet Cache Valley looks like at the moment. I still love it here as much (or more) than ever. It has occurred to me, somewhat recently, that I might not be here forever. That is a sad thought but makes each element of this place even sweeter. Gotta appreciate it while I'm here!

The past year has been BLESSED. I moved from my great apartment and great roommates in Maple Valley last June into a great townhome with great roommates in Providence. This change really has defined my post-mission Logan experience. I have learned and grown a lot, expanded my circle of friends, become aquainted with some phenominal women, and solidified the vision I have for my life. Now, I have lived long enough to know that plans don't always materialize (in fact, that is probably the exception), but my vision has less to do with 'plans' and more to do with character, qualities, attitudes and faith. I know what I want. Regardless of where life takes me, my vision will be fulfilled. I'm excited for what is to come. :)


The Buchanan's said...

I'm so excited you updated your blog! Logan looks so beautiful! I can't belive I'm going to say this, but I kinda miss it. I hope you get what you want, you deserve the best! Love you!!!

Jess said...

I like your blog. And I like you. I feel so blessed to be living in the same house as you!!!! Please keep sharing your testimony and pictures. I love it. :)