Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The weekend of President and Sister Fisher's homecoming was AMAZING. Enjoyed a "Sisters sleepover" at the Barlow home (THANK YOU!), then a fantastic day in Morgan with the Fishers and many mission friends. Was too busy having a good time to take pics!

Hearing the Fishers again was a powerful experience. I'll leave it at that. Just no words suffice. I will say that I have never been in a church meeting where there was standing room only. The chapel was filled, overflow, gym, stage and many stood in the back as well. As many of you have experienced, I gained another family during my time in Montana. I am so blessed and very grateful.

A few Sisters at the Barlow's home... back L to R: Skye, Kelly Gabbart, Brandie Dormer, Marleny Sanchez, Megan Bly. front L to R: Whitney Adams, Melissa Packer, Emily Nance, Seda Gasparyan, Holly Coombs.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Welcome Home

So so excited! My dear mission president and his sweet wife returned home a few weeks ago. Tomorrow they are speaking in their ward in Morgan, and MBM alumni are coming from far and wide to hear them. :)

Few people on this earth have impacted me more than President and Sister Fisher. Serving under their direction was one of the greatest blessings of my life. Their guidance, love, testimonies, example and friendship will always be treasured. Thank you, and welcome home. :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Summit Mountain

I grew up "vacationing" on Summit Mountain every summer. It was just a part of life... an essential, wonderful, looked forward to part of life! Well, life got busy, and I figure the last time I was there was when Sam and Cherin were dating... some eight (or was it nine?) years ago. So yesterday was a treat! What a blessing to have access to this property. It's fun to return and remember the generations that have all come to Summit Mountain.

Friday, July 17, 2009

good news

Sorting through some old pics,
I found this shot taken at the Provo Temple
when I was a fresh, new missionary in the MTC.
Ready to take on the world! Ha, yeah right.
But anyhow, for some reason
this picture makes me grateful.
It makes me excited.
It reminds me of the good news
and the awesome time in which we live!
The truth is rising out of obscurity
and is now being proclaimed 'round the globe!
With anticipation, I look to the day when
"every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess" that
{Jesus is the Christ.}
Um, yay. :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

false alarm

Despite my excitement to return to "the ghetto", as some of my family call it, I received a different offer and TOOK IT. :) I will not be moving back to Anderson... Maple Valley will become home.

Older (and clean) girls to room with... nicer, newer, larger apartment... our own washer and dryer... pool and hot tub... same rent as Anderson. Yes, I think it will be fine.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

up & back

In effort to find a roof and some walls to reside in beginning next month, I headed north to Logan for the two days I had off work. What a job, trying to find a place to rent. It was a long, unpleasant search, and I left the valley with no real options.

Thank goodness, I had a fun distraction from my misery! I spent the night with the Barlows in Fruit Heights. Sister Barlow and I picked up Sister Gasparyan and headed to Sister Julie Broome's reception. It's so much fun to meet up with friends from the mission. :)

Here are a few of the sisters who attended. Kelly Gabbart (my trainer), Emily Nance, Seda Gasparyan (my Armenian comp), Sister Barlow, and yours truly. A few others missed the pic. Anyhow, it was great to see them all!

Luckily, on my way home, a girl called who was trying to sell her contract. I said "YES" and will now be returning to the wonderful world of Anderson Apartments come Aug. 22. Mixed emotions about this, but I'll take it. It's just as classy as it looks :] but I enjoy it there. I'm actually a bit excited! We'll see how it goes...